Saturday, April 24, 2010

Carly's Week

Busy week we have had!!! Here are some pictures!!!

Carly has started playing a little dress up....she's pretty funny too.

At the Penguin having some fried pickles...we love pickles, and the Penguin

This is Carly's favorite seat!! She watches Sesame Street from her shopping cart quite often!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Carly Update!!

I took Carly to Imaginon Children's Library yesterday. We went with Steph and Evelyn. We didn't know there would storytime! Storytime was about barnyard animals, and Carly really enjoyed it! She liked the puppets too.

After storytime, we picnic lunched at the Perkins and the girls played a while longer. Carly and Evelyn are very good friends. Carly asks for Evelyn frequently "Mommy, Ebbin?" they giggle and chatter...though I'm not always sure of what they are chattering about.

It's hard to believe Carly will be 2 in less than 2 months!!

She has some new favorite things she asks for:
bath paints
side walk chalk
frosted mini-wheats
playing outside with her ball
ELMO - this one isn't new but she asks for it often!!

-- Post From My iPhone

Location:NW Helen Dr,Concord,United States

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


That's right, The Watsons are chicken farmers now!!

One week after bringing them home

Godzilla - she is the runt.

Here's a picture of Carly :)

Location:NW Helen Dr,Concord,United States