Monday, February 14, 2011

My Valentine's Day...and My Valentine

Hi, My name is Mandy and I'm a "Reformed Valentine's Day Hater". Turns out, once you have a good Valentine, you have every reason to enjoy Valentine's Day. And, as it turns out, I can see right through your "I don't like Valentine's Day b/c you should love me every day" line as well. Moving on.

We, really I, have been working hard to get my kitchen remodel done. And...I didn't complete my task until this evening.

So, we had breakfast for dinner, which my Hubby loves breakfast. I baked a Chocolate Chip Red Velvet Cake, which he, and CB, had seconds.

I love my husband. He is so wonderful to me, and he is a great Daddy to Carly Beth. I'm so grateful for him and proud of
him. He is an amazing man.

P.S. Thank you for my Valentine's treat!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:6th St NW,Hickory,United States

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