Friday, February 18, 2011

The Great Hair Debate!

Mothers of daughters, is there a hair debate in your home? Does Daddy want to dictate the length and style of daughter's hair? This is true in our home. Which would be reasonable except CB HATES to have her hair washed, dried, brushed, curled, styled...heck, she doesn't even want you to look at it!

Nevertheless, I have bit my tongue and let Daddy-Dearest have his way. (The things we do for love!) Partly because I'm responsible for her hair - it's straight - super straight - and that's just like me. But the bigger reason is I asked for it. While I was pregnant, I prayed every day - atleast 3 times - that my baby would be born with hair. No offense if your babies were bald, but it was super important to me. Call me shallow, I can take it.

In honor of my answered prayer, I give you a photographical essay of Carly Beth's Hair Journey...

    Born with a bit of a faux hawk...definitely my girl :)

    She was three weeks old here. She has her Daddy's hairline.

  Sporting a Mohawk, courtesy of Uncle Samuel.

         Right out of the bath...

    Same here...she's got a little bit of a mullet!

     Convinced Daddy to let me get rid of the mullet...

   The picture from her 1st Birthday Invitations...

       We do this "bangs pulled back" look a lot...


  2nd Birthday...

"Go Kyle Busch!"
  At Geppeto's Pizza
And this is her today. She insisted on looking like Pebbles Flintstone, in public.

Hope you enjoyed...this photo journey made me a little sad. Where did my baby go?!?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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