Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Getting Ready for New Honeybees and a New Baby

Last year, Todd decided he wanted to be a beekeeper. (Side note: he never needs a Halloween costume because his bee suit is way creepy.) He got his bees in May of last year so we didn't get any honey last season...but on Monday, we are getting two additional hives and will be able to "rob" all three at least once probably twice! With the potential of 5 gallons of honey from a single hive, we are going to have plenty of honey for the winter and won't have to use nasty white sugar anymore! And no, honey isn't sugar. Todd and Carly Beth painted the new boxes tonight in preparation for our new buzzing friends. Beekeeping is kind of an expensive hobby but fresh, raw, local honey can be too.

I, on the other hand, was washing the baby's new socks and swaddle and putting the cover on the boppy pillow. The new swaddle blanket is cute, it has bees on it...but Carly Beth is angry with me because I wouldn't buy "her baby Lucy" a pink swaddle today. I'm starting to get concerned over what she may do if the baby is a boy...which I think it is. We'll see...

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