Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day...or Mother to be Day!

Mother's Day was yesterday...When you're expecting do you already count as a mom? Yeah, I didn't really think so either. But, I have been itching to entertain one more time before the baby comes, and since it always falls through with friends, I decided that instead of us running around for Mother's Day, I'd just have our moms over for dinner. It was a great plan, and my Mom and Dad really get along with Todd's mom and John. Yay. Unfortunately, my parents got stuck in a hail storm on the way here...but they made it, Thankfully!

My mom brought me a dress she found from when I was a looks pretty good to be 26 years old! and Todd's mom brought us some really cute burp cloths that had ribbon sewed to the bottom of them. This baby is going to be so spoiled!

It was nice to have everyone over for dinner, and it's always good when your Mom and Dad enjoy what you cook for them, since you grew up eating what they made for you. Even though lots of people have complimented my cooking over the past few years, it's always extra special when my Mom does...and when my Dad goes back for seconds!

While we were all together, Mom, Todd's Mom, and myself discussed what dates sounded good for a birthday ... we were thinking May 23rd had a good ring to it! Todd and I will be going to pick up the last piece of furniture for the nursery on Wednesday and hopefully we'll be completely settled by Sunday - the first day of my 36th week.

Backtracking a bit...we spent Saturday getting the house ready for the baby. We moved my "mini-office" out of the nursery and into the guest room. My handy husband ran a new internet line so that we could do that. He's so awesome. I am amazed at how he can look at a project and figure out exactly what needs to be done in order to accomplish the goal. We also moved our bedroom furniture around and made room for the glider and ottoman, and the baby's cradle - which we only plan on keeping in our room for 3 weeks max (it depends on my recovery time). We want the baby in it's crib at night by the time it's a month old. We figure the sooner, the easier and the better! Hmm..what else? Oh, we also got a great chair for our living room from Todd's mom's Pod. She's bought all kinds of new furniture for her we went and "stole" took her 30 minutes of being here before she ever realized it was her chair! I knew she wouldn't miss it! I also went ahead and sterilized the bottles and made a home for them in the kitchen. I have also picked out what clothes to take to the hospital for the baby, I just have to wash everything this week. Our bag will be packed and ready to go by Sunday.

All the work we did this weekend was really hard on me though. I was out of breath from Swiffering the floors! And sleep...ha...that's a joke. My legs have ached so bad since Saturday night it's not even funny....but I'm not complaining, I promise!

It's hard to believe the baby could really come any day now. Todd says he's ready...I think I am ready. I can't wait to meet this little one...I really have no clue if we'll be calling it J_____ or C____, but the surprise will be worth the wait!

34 Days to go.....

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