Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Jack and Carly

Carly is starting to play in the floor and Jack is just loving every minute of it! He's quite a champ. He willingly takes all her hair pulling, smacking and kicking. When he thinks you aren't watching, he's kissing her. They are pretty good buddies!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cuddling with Carly

We don't hold Carly very much. Don't get me wrong, she gets LOTS of LOVE and AFFECTION...but we have tried super hard not to over cuddle her. It's paid off...she has slept through the night since she was just a couple weeks old, she is content just to play on her own, and she rarely ever cries.
Tonight, she had fallen asleep sitting on the couch next to me while we were watching tv, and I couldn't help myself. I picked her up and cuddled her as long as Todd would let me. Carly doesn't normally sleep anywhere but in her crib or pack n play. She's so used to going to sleep on her own, she fights it if you try to hold her...just ask her grandparents who try to force the issue! Cuddling Carly tonight reminded me of how wonderful motherhood truly is. It must sound silly, I've only been a mom for 5 months, but sometimes you get caught up in your routine and just forget to take the time just to cuddle. I suppose I should apply the same concept to my marriage.....
I picked this picture just because it's amazing how much she has changed in 5 months, and how much she has changed me. I pray every day that I'm the mom that God wants me to be for Carly. I know He picked Todd and I to raise her, she is our blessing.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Carly's Dedication

Proverbs 22:6 - Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. (NIV)
This past Sunday we had Carly Dedicated. What that means is we stood up infront of our church and promised to teach Carly about God and to bring her up with Christian values and faith. Todd and I decided to dedicate her to the Lord and save baptism until Carly chooses for herself that she's ready to be baptized.
After church, our families came to our home and had lunch. This picture is of Carly and all four sets of grandparents! Plus, Gangang who was the only great grandparent who attended. (Carly has 6 other Great Grandparents) We are so blessed that our families came to join with us for Carly's dedication. It means so much to us that they love and support us, and her.
We are blessed beyond belief.

Carly's First Halloween

Carly was a little Chick for Halloween! She was so adorable, if I do say so myself! She was a trooper too. I dressed her up four seperate times! That's how it is when you've got LOTS of grandparents that don't live near each other! It was a great weekend! We went to a Halloween Party at her Grana and Papa's on Friday and a Harvest Festival at Papaw Jeff and Mamaw Betty's church on Saturday.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Carly's Eating Babyfood!

Carly has started experiencing fruits!! I have given her applesauce, bananas and pears. I bought "one of everything' to see what she enjoys and then I am going to make it myself. I'm really excited about being able to do that for her too. These pictures are from her eating cereal. She wasn't thrilled about cereal like she was the fruit. Of course, I wouldn't be either.

I can't believe how big she is! She is 26 inches tall and weighs 15 lbs 13 oz. She's in the 97th percentile for her height!! She's passing along her clothes to her older cousin Mady when she grows out of them! It's crazy. I have already had to overhaul all she owns and go out and buy her all new things! She's going to be tall like her daddy. Much taller than me I suspect! I cannot wait to see her as a little girl! Todd says Carly will be a tomboy, but I am praying not!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Life with Carly ....

Things are pretty good for us right now. Carly is growing so big, so fast! She will be 4 months old in 13 days. I can't believe it. It seems almost like it should be longer, but at the same time it's flown by! Carly has so much personality right now. She's always smiling. She is very laid back like her daddy. She only cries if she really needs something.

About a month ago, we had portraits taken and Carly did so well. She lasted for an hour and a half before she checked out. Lori Jackson did them, and they turned out AWESOME.

I finally got Carly her own Bumbo seat last night. We haven't gotten to try it out yet, but I am so excited about it!!! She's been sitting in everyone else's!

Carly does really well staying away from home. She's spent the night with grandparents three times, and she does amazingly well. Part of me is grateful and part of me says "Hey! You're supposed to miss me!" .. hehe.
I am very excited for the holidays and everything that is to come. We have been so very blessed!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Carly is a Big Girl!!!

Look at Carly sit up like a big girl!!! She is sitting in her cousin Kendall's bumbo seat. I can't believe it. She was officially three months old on Friday. She's so tall...she's wearing 9 months in clothes!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Trip to Visit Rusty and Erin!!!

This is Carly and Thor. Thor is Rusty and Erin's Great Dane. He is SOOOOOOOOO big, but such a teddy bear! We had fun visiting with them for a night. In case you didn't know, Rusty and Erin are Carly's Godparents. Carly just loves them...;) The dogs - yes there are 3 of them - did great with Carly. She's used to having a puppy in her face though because of Jack.

Carly's 2 Month Check Up!

I can't believe Carly is already 2 months old! She is growing so fast! Her 2 month well check was yesterday, here are her stats -

Weight - 11 lbs 12 ounces - 75th Percentile
Height - 24 3/4 inches - 95th percentile

She's going to be tall!!! She did great with her shots. It was hard watching her get them, but I am sure it was easier for me because I had to see her get stuck in the NICU and I had to give her the meds through IV for 3 days when we got home.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's Been Too Long!!

I think this is one of the only pictures of just me and Carly. That will change though...we are having pictures taken at the end of the month!! I am so excited!

Carly is growing so much. By height, she is in the 90th percentile of girls her age! She's holding her head up and smiling. She'll also Coo at you if you talk to her.

Carly and Mady...the City Cousin and the Country Cousin. he he... I wonder if they'll look similar when they grow up. They really don't at all right now. Carly looks huge next to Mady though...

Samuel is trying to teach Carly to talk. He was doing a puppet show for her and everything that day. She just loves her Uncle Samuel!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekend Snapshots!

Carly and her Pooh Bear Blanket that Jeff and Jenny gave to her. She's starting to like holding on to something while she's sleeping.

Mamaw Becky fell asleep on the couch with Carly Beth and Snickers...he he

Our Nephew Mason holding Carly at the wedding reception. This one was too cute not to share!

Carly with Erin...her godmother. =)

Our Newphew Grant reading a story to his Uncle Todd. :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family Megan's Reception!

On Saturday, we attended Megan's wedding reception. I changed Carly's dress 5 times!!! Everything is still a little big on her. It was nice to get a little dressed up even though no one else really was. Ha! We're very settled now. Carly has changed so much and is getting so big!! It was the first time...I believe in a very long time, that all the Hammett Grandchildren were in the same place! We took lots of pictures. Having a large family is a treat, but its very rare that we are all together. Joe was missing...but it was great that we could all come together to celebrate Megan's marriage.

Carly and her Cousins....

On Thursday, Carly got to spend time with her cousins Kendall and Maxwell. Kendall is 4 1/2 months and Maxwell is two months. Carly looks little but I think she'll catch up!!

And I figured I should picture the moms too....myself, Jenny and Kristen!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Carly's Two-Week Check Up!

Carly's two week check up was today. She's growing so quickly!!! She weighs 9 lbs 1 oz - she's in the 75th percentile. Dr. Myers says she is perfect!! She's eating 4 ounces a feeding, and she can hold her head up on her own. Carly is already rolling over on her side, she likes to sleep that way, even though I try to keep her on her back! Last night, Carly slept from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am this morning!!! I was thrilled....after I checked on her and knew she was okay. It was alarming waking up at 5:30 and wondering why she hadn't cried at all. Even if it was just a fluke, I am so appreciative for the good night's sleep! Even though she only wakes up once, it's still hard to get up and feed her and get back to bed.
We've been blessed with a great baby!!

Carly's First Swim...

Saturday when we were at Todd's mom's house at the pool, I decided that it was time for Carly to get in. (Don't freak out, it's ionized water, not chlorinated) She did not enjoy it.. However she did look super cute in her little giraffe robe that her mamaw becky got for her!
I went for a swim myself...the doctor said no baths, he didn't say no pool. =)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Pictures from this Weekend

I can't wait to see the other pictures Becca took!! :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We're Finally Home!

We got to bring Carly home yesterday after a lot of work. Now we are home and I have been trained to give her the medications. Luckily, her IV comes out tomorrow night after we are finished! I will be so happy then. I didn't like giving her the medicine b/c it makes her uncomfortable, but I'd rather be home and taking care of her myself than being at that stuffy hospital any longer! She defintely already has Todd wrapped around her finger. We made a quick family outing to babies r us this afternoon and he insisted on buying any girl item that said " i love my daddy" on it! It's so nice to just be spending time at home. I felt so far away while I was at the hospital. I've never been to prison but I would think a hospital is similar.

Carly had a wonderful night last night. She slept in her crib. We laid her down at 11 maybe and we went to bed. She woke up at 3 to eat and went back to sleep. We got up at 6 to do her medicine. She had to take both kinds this morning so it took over an hour for the whole process to be complete. at 7:45 we all went back to bed and stayed until 11:30 this morning!! For Todd that is unheard of, but he's not been getting much rest this past week. She stayed up a while this afternoon, but went to sleep went we went to Babies R Us and hasn't woken up since. She's a sleeper! And she's quite content just hangin out looking around. Hopefully that won't change!

Thank you for all your prayers!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

Meet Carly Beth Watson!!

Born on June 19th at 2:30 am

7 pounds 12 ounces

21 1/2 inches long

Thursday, June 12, 2008

6 days the most!

Today did not go the way I wanted it to. All this week I have been having "signs" that labor is on it's way...yeah, they must be my mind playing tricks on me! Today's doctors visit was not what I expected, and really wasn't what I wanted. I've lost three pounds...that puts me back to a weight gain of 7 pounds, and my blood pressure was excellent (that's what the nurse said). But, other than other changes. Goodness. The doctor that checked me today said that the baby's head is down but the baby "kept floating away" .... So, I feel that it's safe to say that we'll be heading to the hospital next Wednesday. Even though I know that God's plan is much better than what my impatience could ever bring, it doesn't make me any more patient. (If anyone out there was praying that I would find patience....please stop!) I know Todd would LOVE for this baby to come on Father's Day or his birthday - which is the day we're being induced - but what about me? (How selfish did that sound? ha )

It's alright, we've got a busy weekend ahead. Hopefully it will go by quickly and then we'll just have to wait through Monday and Tuesday. Then this baby will come and I can eat whatever I want and I can have a beer! Woohoo!

One great thing has happened this week! Lindsay had her little baby girl, and she is so precious! She's little and beautiful! Just like a babydoll! I can't believe Lindsay is a Mommy...(I still can't quite believe that I'm going to be a mommy now that I think about it...) Maybe she's made my baby shy to come....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Two and a half weeks to go!!!

Recently I have received several emails from girls I went to Aveda with and they all include the line "It seems like you've been pregnant forever!".....for me, up until about two weeks ago, it seemed that it was flying by. Now time seems to be crawling. Maybe it's because we are ready and waiting. Everything is finished and we are just waiting. So is there something else I need to be doing? The nursery is done, all the clothes are washed, the bags are packed. We have a birth plan, a phone tree, I've burned cds of music for the delivery room, I know what I want my first meal to be after the baby comes....What else could there possibly be to do? Sleep sounds like an awesome option, but that's hit and miss these days. Several people have told me that its "God getting me ready" ... which makes sense, however, I haven't really slept well the whole time. For every 1 night of great sleep, I have 9-13 bad nights. I would say that lack of comfort is the cause, and that is my biggest complaint. But's okay. Not too much longer now and I'll have the option of sleeping on my stomach again, it's just that I'll have to do it on a schedule for about 3 months until the baby sleeps through the night.

I am very excited to start this new journey with Todd. When we first found out that we were having a baby, I was worried that I would turn into the hormonal monster I had witnessed other women turn into, But Todd is so constant and calm, I have had rare monster moments. I have also learned that some men like to poke at their pregnant wives just for fun, and if you have to deal with the monster because of that, it's really your own fault. I knew that Todd was the one from a few weeks into our relationship (exactly 2 weeks), but I am even more convinced today that we were made for eachother. I don't know what I've done for him, but I know that he is the reason that I have been so calm for the past 9 months. He's the reason why I don't change my mind about things because someone tries to convince me that I may not be right. He's been very encouraging and supportive...I hope that this baby has his calmness. His mom says he's been that way since before he was born. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Well, two and a half weeks to go....maybe the next time I post there will be pictures of our new baby!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Our Weekend!

What a weekend!!!
Friday night we went to the Speedway for All Star Qualifying and for the Truck Race. Since Coors Light is the "Official Beer of Nascar" they have a party deck at the speedway. It was really cool. I love going to the races. Plus, they let us park in Handicapped parking since I'm 9 months preggo...yay!

Saturday Todd helped his mom move into her new home, pretty much by himself. It was really hard on him, but not everyone is dependable like Todd is and he's not going to wait around for other people who say they are going to do something to show up. He just goes ahead and gets the job done. He considers it a blessing and a curse. That night, we had dinner and played cards on their wonderful back porch...and we watched the All Star Race...If you didn't know already, Kasey Kahne won the All-Star Race! I was so excited I was beside myself!
Yesterday, we went to see Rusty and Erin, The baby's godparents. It was so nice to get away for a day and just hang out with good friends. They have two HUGE Great Danes named Delilah and Thor....Thor's head is bigger than Jack! But they are the sweetest dogs. We think we want one once we get the back yard fenced in. They've also got a cute pup named Memphis. But..the funniest pet they have is a cat that thinks he's a dog. He'll come up to you and sit, wanting you to pet him, and if you don't, he'll tap your arm or leg until you give in. He made me laugh.
I am officially 36 weeks now. Todd's sister Kristin had her baby over the weekend, so it looks like it's my turn now. I think we're ready...or as ready as we can be before the baby is here.
I hope it happens soon......

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day...or Mother to be Day!

Mother's Day was yesterday...When you're expecting do you already count as a mom? Yeah, I didn't really think so either. But, I have been itching to entertain one more time before the baby comes, and since it always falls through with friends, I decided that instead of us running around for Mother's Day, I'd just have our moms over for dinner. It was a great plan, and my Mom and Dad really get along with Todd's mom and John. Yay. Unfortunately, my parents got stuck in a hail storm on the way here...but they made it, Thankfully!

My mom brought me a dress she found from when I was a looks pretty good to be 26 years old! and Todd's mom brought us some really cute burp cloths that had ribbon sewed to the bottom of them. This baby is going to be so spoiled!

It was nice to have everyone over for dinner, and it's always good when your Mom and Dad enjoy what you cook for them, since you grew up eating what they made for you. Even though lots of people have complimented my cooking over the past few years, it's always extra special when my Mom does...and when my Dad goes back for seconds!

While we were all together, Mom, Todd's Mom, and myself discussed what dates sounded good for a birthday ... we were thinking May 23rd had a good ring to it! Todd and I will be going to pick up the last piece of furniture for the nursery on Wednesday and hopefully we'll be completely settled by Sunday - the first day of my 36th week.

Backtracking a bit...we spent Saturday getting the house ready for the baby. We moved my "mini-office" out of the nursery and into the guest room. My handy husband ran a new internet line so that we could do that. He's so awesome. I am amazed at how he can look at a project and figure out exactly what needs to be done in order to accomplish the goal. We also moved our bedroom furniture around and made room for the glider and ottoman, and the baby's cradle - which we only plan on keeping in our room for 3 weeks max (it depends on my recovery time). We want the baby in it's crib at night by the time it's a month old. We figure the sooner, the easier and the better! Hmm..what else? Oh, we also got a great chair for our living room from Todd's mom's Pod. She's bought all kinds of new furniture for her we went and "stole" took her 30 minutes of being here before she ever realized it was her chair! I knew she wouldn't miss it! I also went ahead and sterilized the bottles and made a home for them in the kitchen. I have also picked out what clothes to take to the hospital for the baby, I just have to wash everything this week. Our bag will be packed and ready to go by Sunday.

All the work we did this weekend was really hard on me though. I was out of breath from Swiffering the floors! And sleep...ha...that's a joke. My legs have ached so bad since Saturday night it's not even funny....but I'm not complaining, I promise!

It's hard to believe the baby could really come any day now. Todd says he's ready...I think I am ready. I can't wait to meet this little one...I really have no clue if we'll be calling it J_____ or C____, but the surprise will be worth the wait!

34 Days to go.....

Thursday, May 8, 2008

34 Weeks and 4 days....and counting!

What a week! This past weekend we traveled down to Blufton, South Carolina to visit with some of Todd's family. It was a nice "mini-vacation", good to get away and spend some time with the cell phones off!

On Monday night, we went to Small group at the Taylor's Home, and even though we were truly a "small group", it was awesome. It was nice to just sit and talk and connect. I am so thankful that God lead us to Kinetic Church and to that small group. God has used that group of people to show me so many different things that I had missed.

After small group, I started getting really intense pains in the top part of my stomach. I had been experiencing them the past few weeks, but not as intense and constant as what was happening. Todd and I decided that if I still had them in the morning, then we'd contact the doctor. On Tuesday morning, I called the doctor's office and they told me to take a day and just rest. But I was told that if I got any other symptoms at all to call back. Around lunch time, I got really nauseous and ended up going in the doctor's office that afternoon. They checked me to make sure I wasn't in preterm labor, and then told me that it was probably my gallbladder and I would need to go and have an ultrasound to make sure that I didnt' have any stones. The doctor didn't act like it was a big deal, so I scheduled the ultrasound for 7 that night...I couldn't eat for 6 hours!!!!

When I got home, I sat down at the computer and started to research. That was a BAD idea! I learned that if I had stones, they'd have to remove my gallbladder and they couldnt do that until after the baby was born. I also read that they normally opt to do that while you're already in the hospital, which I didn't like because I felt like I'd miss out on the first days of this little one's life. We went for the ultrasound, and of course, no one can tell you anything for a few days. With medical miracles you'd think they could read your test results a little quickly for your own sanity, but we had to wait until today when I returned to see Dr. Jones to find out if I had stones or not.

I couldn't get to the doctor's office early enough today...I was actually 30 minutes early in hopes that they'd call me back such luck! Thankfully, I don't have gallstones. Dr Jones did tell me to try to monitor the fat in my diet, and that should help me to be more comfortable. Oh...and I gained 3 weight gain is back to 7 lbs.

My next visit, in two weeks, I start the last mile of this journey. I can't believe it's almost time for this baby to come! Todd is excited, not nervous at all. I'm much better than I was...I think that God is putting things in my path to let me know I'm more ready than I think. The past few days of "Bringing Home Baby" the parents have had no clue what to do...I think I'm a few steps ahead of them. I have also had a few friends from church come forward and offer their help which makes me feel better. Not that I don't have help in my family, but if I had an emergency, I'd need someone here in minutes, not an hour.

Today the baby's heart rate was 150. The past two times I've been to the doctor, the heart rate has been the same as Lynz's baby - which is a girl. So, who know's what this little baby will end up being!

We're just counting down the days now, and I know that God is going to take care of long as we just wait and have faith.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

32 Week Update!

I went for my 32 week check up today. Things are good...the baby's heart rate was at 140 again. However, I have LOST 2 POUNDS!!! That makes my total weight gain......4 Pounds. What is going on?!?! I promise I am eating a lot....and drinking fluids all the time. Todd laughs at me because I go to pour a drink and empty the glass two or three times before I make it back to the living room to whatever we were doing. I'm sure he'd get a kick out of me in the middle of the night then...I just turn the jug of milk, juice, or tea up and drink for a bit. Who really wants to deal with another glass? Not me...I'm the one who does the dishes! My blood pressure was a little elevated, but Dr. Jones said it's not a big deal as of now. But if it persists, it may be. Things have gone really well up to this point though, so now we are just counting down the weeks. Its hard to believe this baby will be here in 8 weeks or so. I'm hoping less, but praying that the baby is born on Father's Day...Todd was born on Father's Day the year he was born, and he thinks that would be great.

I guess that's all for now....

Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby Shower and Nursery Stuff!!

Wow! I just cannot believe it! God is so good! Between our two baby showers, all our needs have been met! When we went to register a few months ago, we decided to go ahead and register for what we would need, both big and small, and start saving money to purchase the items we did not receive. I was certain we'd be buying our travel system (that's baby gear talk for car seat - stroller combo) and our Pack n Play. However...we've received far more than we could have ever imagined!! I am still in shock.

On Saturday, the shower was for both me and my cousin Lindsay - we are due 11 days apart. (in the photo is Lindsay, our cousin Erin, and myself) Everything was so beautiful! The shower was at Christ Church and when I got there, I was remembering the day I got married. It's hard to believe that a year and a half later I was there for my own baby shower!! All our family was there, but two of my very dear friends traveled from far away to be there - Rebecca and Kristine. And I was so excited. I didn't know Kristine was coming till Thursday night and Rebecca just surprised me on Saturday morning when she got there!! I am still shocked they traveled from so far away to come to my baby shower.

I was really really surprised at how great everything turned out! We even got a Sugar Plum Fairy Cake!!! My mom, kelly, cousin Erin and my Aunt Di, and Aunt Debbie did an awesome job! They have a talent...I hope I've got it too!! It was also really awesome to share that day with Lindsay. We did so much together growing up - we took dance at the same place, sometimes had the same hair cut - it's been really good having someone to talk to going through the same things that I am. I may hit them a week or two ahead of time, but it's been really helpful to me because people forget that you're hormonal and all that. I get upset sometimes, and she understands. It's nice.

Our Giraffe collection has expanded some more!!! This baby is going to have no choice but to LOVE Giraffes! Although, the nursery is taking on a little bit more of a safari theme. I have impressed myself honestly. Instead of buying a bedding set, I just picked different things to register for and put them together. It was a little more complicated, but how we don't have heavy quilts or items we won't really use, which was super important to me. I really didn't want to register for and receive gifts that we didn't use. Hopefully we'll have the nursery completely finished pretty soon. We are going to go and pick up

the dresser and bassinet from my parents in two weeks.
Hopefully after that things will come together.

Just 8 weeks to go...I guess we're ready now. Kind of. Maybe.......Oh...and I've finally decided what I think the baby is. I think it's a boy. But, I could be wrong.