It's time to figure out my we go!
And Here's The List, in no particular order...
1. Get a tattoo of a Dove - been meaning to do this for years.
2. Read the works of C.S. Lewis.
I completed the Chronicles of Narnia and I'm working on Mere Christianity.
3. Discover a way to serve using my passion for Healthy Family relationships.
4. Move back to Hickory.
Accomplished this the second week of January!
5. Lose 20 lbs.
6. "Run" a 5k
7. Start doing Yoga twice a week.
8. Learn the final dance from "Dirty Dancing".
9. Stay at the Grove Park Inn.
10. Have a makeover.
11. Learn to make ravioli.
12. Learn to ride a horse.
13. Bake bread from scratch, starting with grinding my own flour.
I'm getting good at baking bread, I'm looking for a grinder :)
14. Read my 1 year Bible from start to finish, not getting distracted by the Christmas story.(I always go back to Luke when December comes.)
So far so good.
15. Learn my family heritage.
16. Make something and sell it on
17. Be chosen to give the Vision or Communion Moment at Kinetic Church.
I tried to do this one before we moved but they wouldn't let me. I won't be achieving this one.
18. Write a cookbook.
I'm in the process! I'm working one finding recipes and trying them out.
19. Read at least 50 NEW (as in I haven't read them before) books.
20. Learn how and become a pro at making Marshmallows.
21. Cook my way through two cookbooks, not skipping any recipes, and blog about it. (Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution and Ina Garten's Back to Basics)
just ordered my
22. Learn my Mamaw's Lifestory.
I'm working on this one too.
23. Develop a habit of making all our condiments: ketchup, mustard, vanilla extract, mayonnaise, butter, jelly, sour cream etc...
24. Become 100% organic and local for all our food needs.
in the process...Hubby is even getting honeybees!!
25. Adopt a child through Compassion International.
26. Be intentional about our home being less chaotic - there's always clutter.
Almost unpacked!
27. Be 100% fast food free except for the occasional Sonic
Strawberry Lime-ade.
28. Be better about our family blog and keeping up with Carly Beth's Milestones.
I'm blogging a lot!!
29. Start a book club.
I'm reading CS Lewis with a friend of mine and getting ready to start reading "Sun Stand Still" with another...
30. Let my hair grow for one year - only getting the occasional trim every 2-3 months.
Doing great here!