Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cuddling with Carly

We don't hold Carly very much. Don't get me wrong, she gets LOTS of LOVE and AFFECTION...but we have tried super hard not to over cuddle her. It's paid off...she has slept through the night since she was just a couple weeks old, she is content just to play on her own, and she rarely ever cries.
Tonight, she had fallen asleep sitting on the couch next to me while we were watching tv, and I couldn't help myself. I picked her up and cuddled her as long as Todd would let me. Carly doesn't normally sleep anywhere but in her crib or pack n play. She's so used to going to sleep on her own, she fights it if you try to hold her...just ask her grandparents who try to force the issue! Cuddling Carly tonight reminded me of how wonderful motherhood truly is. It must sound silly, I've only been a mom for 5 months, but sometimes you get caught up in your routine and just forget to take the time just to cuddle. I suppose I should apply the same concept to my marriage.....
I picked this picture just because it's amazing how much she has changed in 5 months, and how much she has changed me. I pray every day that I'm the mom that God wants me to be for Carly. I know He picked Todd and I to raise her, she is our blessing.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Carly's Dedication

Proverbs 22:6 - Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. (NIV)
This past Sunday we had Carly Dedicated. What that means is we stood up infront of our church and promised to teach Carly about God and to bring her up with Christian values and faith. Todd and I decided to dedicate her to the Lord and save baptism until Carly chooses for herself that she's ready to be baptized.
After church, our families came to our home and had lunch. This picture is of Carly and all four sets of grandparents! Plus, Gangang who was the only great grandparent who attended. (Carly has 6 other Great Grandparents) We are so blessed that our families came to join with us for Carly's dedication. It means so much to us that they love and support us, and her.
We are blessed beyond belief.

Carly's First Halloween

Carly was a little Chick for Halloween! She was so adorable, if I do say so myself! She was a trooper too. I dressed her up four seperate times! That's how it is when you've got LOTS of grandparents that don't live near each other! It was a great weekend! We went to a Halloween Party at her Grana and Papa's on Friday and a Harvest Festival at Papaw Jeff and Mamaw Betty's church on Saturday.